an update in photos

Despite what the scale may say, I swear she’s chubbing up. Here, Maelie is attempting to steal the camera from me.

This was yesterday.

This is today. See what I did there?

Sure, sure. I brushed her hair and stuff. But seriously. Notice the new shirt? Yup. Claire got a new Crosby shirt.

So did Luca, but he won’t sit still long enough to get a photo of him. Two year olds.

So back to Mae. She pretty much smiles all day. I’m not exaggerating.

And she’s teething, so she spits a lot.

Plus, since she’s my kid, she’s got the huge eyes and long lashes.

And since she only rolls, all her toys stay right next to her, so the house stays kind of neat. You know. The kind of neat with two kids able to destroy it as opposed to three.

I know, Mae. I’m so hilarious.

About Cassie

Two sisters from two misters. What could be more fun?

Posted on August 5, 2011, in Cassie and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 10 Comments.

  1. Oh. My. Lord. Knowing that babies are usually about three times as cute in person as they are in pictures, I am DYING to see this kid. I probably at least need you to post an extended video sometime.

  2. So glad Claire is expanding her choices of Pens shirts. A real fan always needs options, especially to combat a losing streak.

  3. Bluz, I think you’re going to have to teach Claire the wardrobe spreadsheets in the near future.

    Your kids are so cute. I saw Claire and thought, wow, I can’t believe my little girl is going to be that big and cute some day.

    And Mae, oh Mae. That little girl just brightens my day. When we put her and Sarah together, I am going to be in an extended state of euphoria.

    • It amazes me sometimes how big she’s getting. And it also makes me so sad. Oh well, so goes life..

      I can’t wait to get the babies together!

  4. Those pictures are just adorable. You two make such pretty kiddos. The last picture made me laugh. Crosby shirts FTW! And big eyes and long eyelashes picture is my favorite. I love that. These three pretty babes are enough to give anyone baby fever. đŸ™‚

  5. Claire looks so pretty with her hair braided! I guess I’m going to have to learn a few little-girl hairdos, huh?

    • Claire hardly lets me touch her hair. I make her have it back for when we go out in public about 75% of the time. 25% of the time, I just don’t feel like fighting her.

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